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Training midwives in preganancy care & safe delivery

Training midwives in preganancy care & safe delivery


Trained health workers who live in the villages are essential to improving public health and access to care.  Lay midwives work with us and the Ministry of Health to provide prenatal care, delivery management and post delivery support.   We collaborate with the Ministry of Health to provide a certification course and ongoing monthly training to maintain their skills. Midwives attend prenatal care visits with their patients who we provide with prenatal vitamins. Most women deliver at home with the midwives, but their connection with and understanding of the existing health system allows them to help fellow villagers access the  healthcare they need. 


Cost is to cover monthly trainings for one midwife for a year.

Nuestra misión

Mejorar la salud individual y de las aldeas en las zonas rurales de Guatemala a través de la educación, el empoderamiento de los líderes locales y el desarrollo de proveedores de salud locales.​

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© 2021 Guatemala Pueblo Salud

600 1st Ave, Suite 112, Seattle WA 98104

(206) 339-3352 Voz o Fax

501(c)(3) en el estado de Washington (EIN: 27-3002849)

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