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Sponsor: Team Chinachabilchoch

Sponsor: Team Chinachabilchoch


For $1, you can sign up to sponsor the this team.


Choose your preferred sponsorship level to sign up, and if the team reaches the 3,700 mile goal, your per mile rate will be multipled by 3,700 and you will be invoiced to donate that amount at the end of the race.  Thank you for your commitment of support!


Example: 1¢ per mile = $37.00 at the end of the race.

Our Mission

To improve individual and village health in rural Guatemala through education, empowerment of local leaders,
and development of local health providers.

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© 2024 Guatemala Village Health

(206) 237-7577

600 1st Ave, Suite 112 Seattle WA 98104

501(c)(3) in the state of Washington (EIN: 27-3002849)

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