MMR – Must have had at least 2 doses=> THIS IS IMPORTANT!
Tetanus – If you have not had a Td in the past 5 years and have never had a TDaP, please do so before we leave.
Polio – Must have the 4 dose series.
Hepatitis A (food borne) – You should have the 2 vaccine series – first one gives some immunity; second one 6 months later. It’s ok if the series is not complete before travel.
Hepatitis B (blood and body fluids borne) – Must have 3 vaccine series – one now, one in a month, the last in 6 months. It’s ok if the series is not complete before travel.
Typhoid (water-borne) –
Pills – 4 doses – one every other day – to be completed a week before arrival
Note: can buy these at COSTCO
- Or -
A shot - one 2 weeks before exposure and every 2 years - More info at https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/current-vis.html
Malaria (mosquito-borne) –
Chloroquine – 500 mg. One pill by mouth weekly starting one week before and continuing for 4 weeks after travel. Take on a full stomach. (Total 6 pills for one week trip /7 for 2 weeks)
– Or –
Doxycycline – 100mg, One pill by mouth daily starting 1-2 days before travel.
Insect repellant – 30-50% DEET – The higher strength lasts longer between applications, but is no more effective. (see below for more on mosquitos)
The vaccines above can be obtained from a travel clinic or pharmacy; not just your doctor. If you need a prescription for the chloroquine, Jennifer or Teresa can provide this.
Call with questions at 206-200-2418.
Note: The CDC website (http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/list/) has a complete list of required vaccinations.