Qué hacemos
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Quiénes somos
Boletines Anuales
Qué hay de nuevo
Incendios Forestales 2024
Gala 2024
Donaciones Dirigidas
Fencing to protect vegetables from animals and vermin
Seeds for high nutrient foods for sustainable farming
Plant starts for a perennial food forest
Tools for planting and harvesting
Training in permaculture farming for healthy food
A book or toy to help baby development
Access to contraception for family planning
Training midwives in preganancy care & safe delivery
Nutrition Supplements to prevent stunted growth
A Screened Window for ventilation and bug protection
Smokeless Stove for safer and more efficient cooking
Join the Race To Guatemala 2022
Café en Grano de Guatemala
Únete al equipo Delta
Únete al equipo de enseñanza
Patrocinador: Equipo Delta
Patrocinador: Team Teach
Patrocine un Contenedor de Suministros Médicos
Patrocinio a Tarifa Plana