Water Filter for a family
Access to clean water is essential to health and nutrition. Our goal is to provide eco-filters for every family to ensure access to clean water to drink and prepare food. Eco-filters have been proven to reduce illnesses such as diarrhea and parasites from polluted water sources. Villagers contribute 20% of the cost of a water filter, and we provide transportation, education and ongoing support to keep them working effectively. Through our work and a program by the Ecofiltro business, each classroom in our schools has been provided with a water filter. We also hand out bottles for transporting water to work in the fields, and provide education in the need for clean water.
Your donation will pay for a water filter for a family in one of our Guatemala villages. Clean water is essential for health. Without these filters, household members and children are vulnerable to parasites, diarrhea, and other water-borne diseases. These filters are made in Guatemala. A clay pot made of a special clay and coated with an anti-bacterial coating does the filtering and lasts for typically 3 years. Together with the bucket, several gallons of drinking water can be easily created each day.