In Memory of
Steve Fain
(GVH board member)
It is with great sadness that we must announce that our dear beloved board member Steve Fain passed unexpectedly in his sleep on November 10th 2020. Those who knew Steve would probably first describe his amazing positive attitude, enthusiasm, creativity, and friendliness. Steve was a very valued board member and was loved by everyone. Steve has actively supported our organization for about 8 years and was a director on the board for the 3 years preceding his passing.
Steve Fain - Member, Board of Directors
Steve brought forward many good ideas, including the (pre-COVID days) recommendation that board members should individually meet socially (for lunch or coffee) with the individual donors supporting Guatemala Village Health (GVH) so we can all get to know each other better, and discuss programs and ideas.
Steve is survived by his wife and 2 daughters, and numerous friends and family. The full obituary can be read at
The GVH board will determine a way to recognize Steve’s contribution at it’s next meeting. One idea is to establish a scholarship fund in his name, to allow select children living in impoverished villages with good aptitude the opportunity to continue school beyond the 6th grade.
PIctured (L-R) at 2019 fundraiser: Mickey Kander - Board Secretary; Steve Fain - Board Member; Carolyn Bain - Executive Director; Mo Fain - Steve's wife
(most village schools end at 6th grade, so continuing education requires school fees, uniform fees, and travel expenses, all of which are next to impossible for villagers, so such education is typically non-existent).
Those wishing to donate in Steve’s memory may do so using the paypal button below. The board encourages a small monthly donation rather than a single large donation, to help with budget predictability, and graciously expresses their gratitude to all of you, and the Fain family for your contributions and support over both the past years, and in the future. Your donation will help us continue our direct work and interaction in the villages!
Alternately, donations may be made by sending a check to the address in the footer.
Steve Fain dances with Board Member Diana Orellana at the 2014 Fundraiser.